Thursday, February 4, 2010

Good Eats! .....

We like to watch the cooking shows and often the food looks so good it makes us wish we could sample some of it. The last few days we have been able to do more than sample, we have enjoyed some great food that was prepared and delivered just for us. Definitely Good Eats! We recognize, and are so grateful for the sacrifice that others make in our behalf. It is a great blessing to us.

We are so thankful for good friends, and for their kindness. Several have called or visited to check in on Terry and our family. We feel our Saviors love in all the world around us. We are aware that He sends His love to us thru others, and we feel it. I want to be just like them when I grow up! :)
Thank you! to all of our family and friends who have blessed our lives in so many ways, including the many prayers on Terry's behalf. We do feel blessed.

We are also grateful for good nurses who take such good care of us. They are so tender and careful with their patients and I am grateful to them. Tuesday became a slow day in the infusion room, and Terry was the only patient there, so the nurse washed down a chair and slid it over by Terry's chair and let me sit by him for the last half of his treatment. It was a kind act that made me grateful for kind and thoughtful people, especially since some days I end up having to sit in the hall because the room is so full of people.
Terry doesn't sleep well during treatment week, so during the treatment Wednesday he was feeling tired and trying to get some shut eye. The nurse was aware of this and would tip-toe into the room, whisper if anything needed to be said, and was extra quiet and careful with everything she had to do so that she would not wake or disturb him.
The Moses Lake Clinic is making improvements in their oncology department, and we are feeling the benefits of that. We are grateful to them - we need them.

We are grateful to all who have tried to make this week the best it could be. Thanks so much! We love you and appreciate your kindness.

1 comment:

Adena and Greg said...

We're so thankful that there are kind people there to help you when needed. We would love to be able to, but distance makes it difficult. Terry has been in our prayers all week.