Thursday, March 4, 2010




We are feeling it, and you can't get better than that!!!

Terry has finished his last round of chemo treatments before the transplant takes place.
(I feel like I just lied. He will have one more chemo treatment as part of the transplant.)
He is doing okay, but feeling lousy - does that make sense? It will get worse before it gets better, but at least he is on the right track.

We do not have word from SCCA about his arrival date, but we are expecting it soon. We'll let you know when we know. I am trying to prepare every needful thing. I know it is not possible for me to know all that needs prepared, but I can at least do what I can think of. It's consuming me at the moment, so hopefully something good comes from that.

Thanks again to wonderful friends who have sacrificed their time to help us make it thru this week a bit easier, and thanks for all of your concerns and offers of kindness, and for all of your prayers. They are not in vain. Good things are happening.
Thank you!

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