Monday, December 22, 2014

Poem by Michael

Michael wrote this masterpiece the day we got home from the hospital after Terry passed away.  I was in the same room with Michael as this thought process began and I saw his expression change and he got up and got a piece of paper and a pencil and went to the table and began writing.  After he completed it he gave it to me and I read it and kept it close at heart.
When it came time to plan the funeral program I asked Michael to share his poem with us all.   Everyone was so impressed and grateful for this poem and the truths it testifies of, and several noticed that we could hear Terry's words there too - recognizing that this poem was very likely inspired by him.  
We knew Michael had to share it in the program and I now share it here for a reminder whenever we need it in the future.

This poem dedicated to Terry Wayne Hebdon
Written on the day that he’s gone to heaven.
He passed in the morning of December’s day 10
Though we may fret we will see him again.
His greatest and dearest possessions in life
Are his farm, his faith, his family, but mostly his wife.
A father to 9, a brother to all
Trained to rescue whomever did fall.
A presider, a provider, a protector of family.
He loved his life and lived it happily.
“I am fine” he would say, though lately his body would sway.
He taught through example, followed the Savior’s way
We still hear his voice echoing through the house
“Get up, get dressed, get going” he would daily announce.
A captain in suffering, a saint when in pain
A decision he had made again and again.
It made him a much better person you see.
Like that one who suffered with him in Gethsemane
And with that miracle so noble, so true
He claims us His, both me and you.
So on this day Terry’s lowered in the grave
Be of good cheer, Christ is mighty to save.
At those white gates he patiently waits
His arms spread out wide, his Savior by his side.

By Michael James Hebdon   10 Dec. 2014

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