Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Weekly Doctor Visit

Well, we had our doctor visit yesterday and found that the blood counts were worse.  Wow!  He has set a new record.  After our appointment we headed to the 3rd floor for transfusion.  It took the rest of the day so we didn't arrive home until 9:30pm.  The kids had been taken care of though because we had some awesome friends bring a meal for them.

Platelets = 5(LL) - never been that low before, though he was only 7(LL) last week.  Normal range is 136-331(I just noticed that those are new numbers on the normal range but I'm not sure why).
So he got one bag of platelets yesterday.

WBC = 0.3(LL) - possibly a new low here too, though it was only 0.5(LL) last week.  Normal range is 3.6-11.3.  

ANC = 0.1(LL) (absolute neutrophils) - he has been here at this count for a couple weeks, and there is really no where to go but up on this one.  Is that good news or ?  We just wish he was going up!   Normal range is 1.2-8.0.

RBC = 2.18(L) - Normal range is 3.72-5.85.

HCT = 21.0(LL) - Normal range is 36.9-49.9.
So he got 2 units of red blood cells yesterday.

We are keeping the liter of hydration going each day so his Creatinine is doing great at .90 - Normal is 0.70-1.20.

We are continuing the daily infusion of Ertapenem (antibiotic) and have changed one of his oral meds to a little stronger med to help fight this infection that must still be present.  The swelling in his face has gone down (which is really nice) but the occasional fevers, chills, sweats, and lack of energy continue (not so nice). 

We are hoping that his energy level can pick up a bit for BJo's graduation, and we hope the weather will be nice. 

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