Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Concerning Terry's Health

Terry had a doctor visit.  We didn't get much in the way of news, but there isn't much to hear.  Blood levels are still not where they should be - we are kind of used to hearing that, but wish we could hear something more positive.

Terry had a bone marrow biopsy today and we have to admit that this time it was not too painful (especially compared to some of the worst he has experienced).  We won't hear any results until next week at our Tuesday appointment.  We'll keep you posted.

His test results for the past several weeks have not given too much hope of improvement, in fact, they suggest the opposite.  This makes us apprehensive and anxious for the bone marrow test results. 

We continue to hope and pray for a miracle concerning Terry's health!  We need it!

We say thank you to all who are participating in the blood drive Thursday in Royal City.   This blood drive is not for Terry or any one person, it is for all who are in need, but we are very aware of the fact that it is kind and generous people donating blood that help keep Terry going.    He received two units of reds and one of platelets today, which seems to be his normal routine each Tuesday and Friday. 

Just in case you are curious, click here for a few blood facts and statistics from the American Red Cross.

I'll close with Terry's letter to the editor this week (however, if you saw the letter in the paper you might notice that the paper chose to leave out a few lines that Terry really wanted in there.  It helps share his feelings the way they truly are).

Letter to the Editor in regards to the Blood Drive

To our wonderful community,

There is a plaque in the display case at the Wenatchee Valley Clinic Pharmacy that states “There is no such thing as a small act of kindness!” by Marjorie Pay Hinckley.

My name is Terry Hebdon.  I’ve personally noticed many acts of kindness especially since having cancer the past ten years.  Personally I am living on borrowed blood.  On Tuesday and Friday of each week I receive 2 units of reds and 1 unit of platelets.  I am one of many who are now dependent on this routine.  Therefore, those who have already donated are keeping us alive. Those who may donate in the future will be offering life to others.

As you may notice, many in our community have similar needs.  There are accidents, operations and those whose bodies no longer generate blood cells.  Sadly we each have loved ones who are affected by those before mentioned maladies.

I wish to apologize for the selfish tone of this letter.  I’m only using personal information to elicit your help for many.  I thank you for your goodness and kindness.  I thank you on behalf of several whom I know that will receive help from these donations.

Please do your best in regard to the Red Cross Blood drive October 2nd at 10:00am to 7:00pm, at the New Life Church in Royal City.

Remember “There is no such thing as a small act of kindness.” 

You’re my heroes,

Terry Hebdon


Bonnie said...

Very nice letter, with no hint of selfishness in it at all.

Ellen said...

How can I donate to you and is a positive ok? Love, Ellen