Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Doctor Visit

Doctor Visit and Platelets transfusion today. 

WBC = 0.2(LL) (same as the last five labs)
HGB = 9.3(L) (higher than it's been in the last five labs) 
HCT = 27.3(L) (higher than it's been in the last five labs)
Platelets = 3(LL) (it's been jumping around 5,7,4,3,5, and 3 today)

We don't know any other counts from today.  The reds were high enough that he didn't need a transfusion today, but he did need platelets.  We stayed in the chemo room for those to be transfused.  Then we took Chase to a late lunch and got him a few items he needed and then we headed home.

Chase is enjoying his mechanics class, but the reading class has something to be desired.

Here is something funny I found on pinterest today -
image from pinterest
"Anybody have plans to stare at their phone somewhere exciting this weekend?"  Not I!

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