Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy 18th Birthday to Michael. June 7th

Michael had a birthday the day after graduation!
He enjoyed the cake after the candle was removed.

Camp Casey Field Trip

The 6th graders went to Camp Casey on Widbey Island this week (Monday thru Wednesday). BrittanyJo and her friends are in the photos below. Elaine was a chaperone, but is not in the photos :). There was a lot to see, but also a lot of rain.

A more complete album can be found on our Picasa album. (See our favorites list at the right.)

Michael has graduated!

Graduation this year was held outside in the wind and the cold. We did survive and Michael did graduate.
The other kids are finally all out of school too. The Summer vacation has begun, but we have not filled it with any fun yet. We'll see what it brings (other than work).