I so love these announcements! Maybe it's because I sooooo love these two people. Maybe it's because I love what these announcements are announcing. Maybe it's because it's feeling more real. Maybe it's because I was the one on the other side of the camera for each of those photos ;). (just a little pride I'm going to have to overcome huh!) Well, I wish I loved them because I am totally ready for this event, but no way!!!!!, I have a week full of work and activities that will exhaust me and possibly even a few of my friends as they help me get through this week. And no doubt, Terry will be exhausted from his own work already and then still have to help get me through mine. We might both end up in the nut house when this is over. I'm not sorry I started a building project, I'm just sorry I started it so close to the wedding date. We will be working overtime, but the pay will be wonderful and worth every effort. (I'm considering the pay as this eternal temple wedding and "happily ever after" for these two.)
We do hope to see you at our open house! Or at the reception... actually, anytime, anywhere!