My Rule: No new posts until my Christmas decorations were put away. That was quite a chore for me this year. Christmas music could remain on my blog for as long as it took me to put Christmas away so I could listen as I worked. Alas, the task is complete. I did not get my fill of Christmas though. It seems that way every year. I do love the lights and the music, so it was hard to do, even as late into the year as it is.
Chemo treatments started for Terry this week. Three days a week this time, every 4
th week. We hoped he would be feeling pretty good but, not so. He did good the first couple days, but then started feeling icky....very icky. Friday morning was the worst for him, but he does seem to be improving slowly. Some good is still good.
The kids started school Monday and I have missed them. We just don't get much time together after school, sports, band, and other misc. activities. I am really trying to "become more diligent and concerned at home" as Elder
Bednar said in his Gen.
Conf. address last fall. I'm going to find a way to make it work for us. Today was not a good example of it because of all the cleaning....
New Year's resolutions are the thing of late. Every year, like clockwork, they come around and beat at the door (or bang on my head, or something like that). I don't usually set them, but they do always tease me. This year is a bit different. I have noticed a few things
thru the last several months that I have wanted to change and decided that now is the time to do it. I have been trying to figure out how to make some of those changes, and have decided to take the rest of this month to create the plan and set my goals and feel good that I got a little bit of a head start with them. I hope that in a few months there will be some noticeable changes. I need it!
Good luck to any and all of you who are setting resolutions or making necessary changes in your lives too!