Monday, September 29, 2008


Sunday afternoon I felt the need to write something spiritual on the blog, but when I sat down to write I could only think of the title for this post. Not very profound huh!?!?!?!?

Well, I got up, feeling a bit silly for feeling such a strong desire to write something and then trying to do so, but with no idea of what to say.

Now it's Monday morning and I found this open box waiting to be filled. So, one last time I'll attempt to write.

It was Fast Sunday yesterday and I had many things on my mind and in my heart. I guess I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed at all that is going on in our family (immediate and extended), and in our community. I've worried about the need of parenting correctly and accomplishing all that is required so that our children are strong and immovable in the gospel, with high standards that they do not forget or forsake, courageous and valiant; young men like unto Moroni and Helaman and Alma, or like any of the 2000 stripling warriors, or like Nephi. I want them to learn to be dependable, responsible and .... I could write a page here, but I am sure you get the picture.

There are temptations all around us and I just want us all to be strong and recognize every temptation for what it is. I want my family to have individual testimonies of Jesus Christ and His Gospel, of a loving Heavenly Father who is always ready and willing to help and guide and comfort us.

My purpose of fasting was along this line Sunday and I worried that there were too many things I was fasting for instead of one single focus. No need to worry, it was a beautiful day. I felt the Spirit so strongly that I couldn't contain it. I know that Heavenly Father loves me. I know He loves you. He will always be there for us if we allow Him to be. We must have faith and we must trust Him. Forget the pixie dust! It sounds good, but it's only in fairy tales. Maybe it could represent hope. Don't give up hope! Do not despair!

Carry on! Carry on! Carry on!

1 comment:

Adena and Greg said...

Thanks for the encouragement. It came at a time when I really needed it. This move has been harder on me than I would like to admit. Leaving family, friends and everything familar has been pretty difficult. But if I have faith in the Lord and do my part everything will turn out in the end. Thanks!