I was a simple shepherd
Up high on a distant hill
When this most wonderful thing happened
Oh, how I remember it still.
We’d had a long day of our labors
In the early fresh spring sun
And were happy to be relaxing
Pleased with the work we had done.
The sheep had all been safely folded
Prepared and ready for night
But when the sun settled downward
The sky remained fully light.
Now being a shepherd in charge of the flock
To take good care and to keep
I wondered how this night I would manage
To take proper care of the sheep.
Would the animals react adversely
To such an uncommon a sight?
No, they were all content and peaceful
And showing not the least bit of fright.
We knew then this was the wonder
Predicted by prophets of past
That on the blessed tomorrow
The Savior would be born at last.
To the earth we then fell in reverence
Beholding with wonder and awe
And pondering, each one down deep in his heart
The many signs that we saw.
One sign we know most revealing
Which we noticed in the sky afar
Was the brilliance of a new illumination
The bright and a new shining star.
Then reverently as if to settle
Our minds on this wondrous thing
The angels proclaimed, “Alleluia”
Hosannas to us they did sing.
Jesus is born in Bethlehem
The whole of the world to save
To offer us all His salvation
To release each one from the grave.
The “Prince of Peace he shall be
To each, to one, and to all
The only one who is able
To redeem mankind from the fall.
A King, a Son living on earth
To accomplish His Father in Heaven’s will
To do all He was sent forth to do
And yet to be a God still.
The words of the prophets were right and correct
In fact, they had all been fulfilled
And I wondered at all of the prophecies
And how Samuel the
Lamanite thrilled
A true man of God, a prophet was he
As were
Nephi, and the rest
They had all told God’s words unceasing
And had all well completed their test.
Yes, the angels, the angels told us
He was born in a land cross the sea
In a stable out back was delivered
In a manger of straw lay He.
But here in the New World, America
We too hold claim to His birth
For truly He was freely given
To all the inhabitants of earth.
by Terry Dec 1990