Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Doctor Visit

Terry had an appointment today. 
I could really end there because everything seems to be the same, or close enough to the same as it has been for a few weeks.

WBC = 2.3(L)
RBC = 4.26(L)
HCT = 36.7(L)
Platelets = 32(L)
(there was no report on the ANC/Absolute Neutrophil count, but we are sure that it is still 0(L), as it has been for the last 4 weeks.)

So, what's up next?
More of the same = taking meds as prescribed and weekly blood draw.

Then on the 21st he will have a bone marrow biopsy to see how the Revlimid has been working.  The results of that biopsy will determine the course from there, which would included continuing with meds (with the same dose or a changed dose) or a second transplant (though maybe for the MDS this time instead of the CLL/SLL).  We have no idea when that would take place or how ..., or any other info about it.  We are not making any plans either way and don't have any speculation.  When we know more we will post it. 

Today we are just looking forward to spring and getting some work done. 

PS - I should have posted earlier that Terry and Thomas planted the spring wheat.  That work is done, and we are grateful for the rain that we have had to moisten the ground.  There is more work being done, and maybe I'll remember to post about it earlier than just a PS at the end of another post ..., and maybe I'll include a photo with it. 

Have a great day!

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