Sunday, November 22, 2020


President Nelson spoke to us through a video message on Friday (link here) and encouraged us to have and share gratitude.  He invited us to post on social media for seven days using the hashtag #GiveThanks. 

I apologize that this is my first post (without sharing the reasons why - that's another story) - we'll just be happy that I finally figured it out :)  

This is how I social media!

I had such a beautiful experience today during the closing prayer of our sacrament meeting.  Actually, the whole meeting was wonderful, starting with the opening prayer, when my thoughts turned to my mother-n-law, Idris.  

I cannot share all of the thoughts and impressions I felt during the meeting - there were many - but I do want to share one that happened during the closing prayer, given by the spouse of the person who gave the opening prayer.  For privacy reasons I will not share their names, so I hope it's not too confusing.

Idris would visit with him on occasion when she was in the store where he worked.  I remember her talking about him with kindness and love, and I remember him (and his family) coming to visit her.  She loved this man and his family and wished for them to be taught and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and be baptized.  

She passed away before she could see that happen, but it did eventually happen.  They were baptized at the beginning of this year when guests were limited due to Covid restrictions.  I was disappointed that I could not attend because I truly wished to be there, and I also wanted to somehow represent my mother-in-law.  

I was reminded of this because of the prayers given today.

At the end of the closing prayer I had a beautiful tender vision that brightened my heart and soul.  I suppose it was more of a thought but I could see it in my mind.  I could see Idris gathering all of her family and friends in heaven, gesturing with her arms inviting all to come watch this lovely family as they made covenants with the Lord and performed this sacred saving ordinance.  I could feel her excitement as she did this with such exuberance.  I could see the smile on her face and the light in her eyes.  I imagine she was giving and receiving loving hugs and kisses on the cheek to and from those loved ones she was gathering. And knowing her, everyone around her, even those she did not know, were her loved ones. It was a glorious thought and vision in my mind.  I was caught up in it so much that, I'm sorry to say, I missed the last several seconds of the prayer.  It was just over and things were quiet - the prayer and then my thoughts/vision.  I then felt sorry that I missed the closing of his prayer but grateful for the tender feelings that I was left with.

I don't know how things really happen in the Spirit World, but this was a precious moment and my heart was touched and filled with love and joy.  This little vision in my mind that took place all at once, within only a few seconds time was a tender mercy that brightened my whole day. I'm still smiling!  And I #GiveThanks for it!

I am so grateful for the Spirit that touches our hearts and minds - for the inspiration that comes, for guidance and direction, for warmth and comfort, for love and joy - from heaven.  

President Nelson also shares "The Story Behind My Global Prayer of Gratitude"  (link here)

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