Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Wedding!

The big event is now over. We are so pleased that the open house held here was well attended, even though it was on a week night and a big election day. THANKS to all who attended and who helped that night and to those who helped me get ready for that night!!!!! Pictured here are Connor, Gregory, Thomas and Dana, Michael, Anthony, and Chase.

The wedding the next day was wonderful. They are now sealed for time and eternity. Dana looked so beautiful and Thomas was so handsome. They look great don't they! This photo was taken as they walked out of the Columbia River Temple.

The reception in Utah was so beautiful and we enjoyed meeting more of the family and friends. I don't have any professional photos of any of these events yet - all I have are those that the kids took, but I'll update when we get those photos.

Thomas and Dana are now in Virginia and beginning their busy, but wonderful life together.
We are home and trying to get things in order here. The last few months were a bit hectic and overwhelming, and left us with a lot to do. And, the farming is not yet done for the season, so we are up and going, but just a little slower ;)

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