Monday, December 27, 2010

How low can you go?

Lab results were telling today. We didn't get a copy of them, because there was a problem with the machine at the clinic and they had to send the blood to the hospital to be tested.
I don't even remember all the numbers, but I do know that things were similar to what we've heard before until we came to the platelets. The reds were around 30 and the whites - I think I remember a 1.1, but the platelets are lower than ever before, at 33. They have been low, but never like this. We are blaming some of it on a different machine, but we know that only accounts for a couple numbers difference, which means they are still too low.
For now, we continue the wait and watch. We'll check again next week and go from there. That is a familiar thing to us, so we can do that.
He got a tiny scratch yesterday changing a blinker bulb and it bled like it was deep and terrible, so we know we've got to be careful that way too.

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