Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Rituxan infusion went well today - even with the full dose. It was a long day though. We have been so glad that there was not reaction to it, and today is just the same. One thing he forgot was how his bones begin to ache so terribly a few days later. Late Sunday night was quite painful for him, but by Monday morning he was doing better. We have that to look forward to in a few days and I am hoping and praying that it is not more intense for him since he got over 4 times more today than he got for Thursday's dose. Thursday was twice what he got last Tuesday.

There is more good news though. The blood counts are all headed in a better direction. We are quite pleased with that. The doctor was too. She seemed quite happy and was so anxious to hear how Terry was feeling today. We could tell she had some good news.

The lab numbers are listed below - the first number is today's, the number in [brackets] is the normal range, and the last number is last week's count, just to show how he has improved..

WBC = 3.6(L) [4.5-11.0] 2.6(L)
RBC = 3.48 (L) [4.50-5.90] 3.06 (L)
Platelets = 68 (L) [150-400] 33 (L)
Neutrophils 1.8 [1.8-7.8] 1.5(L)

3 out of 4 of these counts are still low, but they are improving. We like improvement and we are grateful for it.


Becky Noftle said...

Yippee for higher counts, and for tolerating such a big dose of Rituxan. You are deserving of every good thing.

Ellen said...

G R E A T////////////Such good news. It is time for some better numbers and improvement. Keep up the good work.

Tyler said...

Oh what wonderful news. This just brings tears to my eyes. Most things do now days, but this is extra special to know. I hope BrittanyJo is able to play ball again now. Tell all the family hello for us. Sherri