Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Call

We received a Mother's Day Call from Elder Chase Hebdon ... it was short since he was only given 10 minutes, but it was so nice to hear from him.
- His flights went pretty good.
- He had his interview with President Ludwig Saturday and would be learning who his companion is sometime today.
- There are 5 band YPM Elders that live in one home together and 12 sister YPM band members that have another home. (The other performers live in other homes.)
- He has his badge/name tag, and is wearing it with great pleasure.
- He is anxious to get his 2 year mission call and looks forward to that service opportunity.
- He recognizes that most of the band members are quite good with their instruments, but he is up for the challenge and plans to practice hard.
- They will practice strong and hard for the first three weeks and then the "shows" will begin.
- We'll probably get an email from him on "Sunday or his p-day" (we don't know when p-day is for him, so we are back to square one ... meaning sometime this week) ;)
- He sounded happy and excited about this adventure.

A bit of trivia -
We were wondering how many years we have received missionary calls on Mother's Day. So I checked my records and found this:
- Our first missionary call was for Christmas 2001, the second was for Mother's Day 2002.
- We had someone serving a mission (and calling home) every Christmas, except the year 2006 when Thomas came home a few days before Christmas that year. Making 9 calls for Christmas, out of the last 10 years.
- Mother's Day calls came every year since 2002, except in 2007 when we had a few months between Thomas and Skyler's missions. But, in 2005 we received calls from 2 missionaries since Brandon and Thomas were out at the same time that year. So we received 10 Mother's Day calls in the last 10 years, but only 9 of those years.
- Since our first missionary left (August 2001) we have had at least one missionary out except for a total of 9 1/2 months between some of those missions.
- Chase is missionary #6 of our children, but we often refer to the count with Terry as number one, making Chase Elder Hebdon #7.

I am so grateful for the peace that comes to us as we send our sons out in the world to serve the Lord. I'm not sure how we will feel when we are out of sons to send...

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