Have a wonderful new year celebration!
May your new year be filled with love, peace, and joy!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas was wonderful!
I can't believe that I'm unable to find other words to say about it -(maybe it's because I'm still in the middle of the fun) - it really was great, we enjoyed it all, and look forward to this next week without school.
We enjoyed our Hebdon family gathering, and are sharing photos at this link:
(I wish I had better photos)
We hope your Christmas was great too!
I can't believe that I'm unable to find other words to say about it -(maybe it's because I'm still in the middle of the fun) - it really was great, we enjoyed it all, and look forward to this next week without school.
We enjoyed our Hebdon family gathering, and are sharing photos at this link:
(I wish I had better photos)
We hope your Christmas was great too!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Christmas Angel
Find more photos at:
How Did It Go?
Many have wondered how the treatments have been going for Terry this week. Well, we are happy to have no more daily traveling for awhile:) Terry doesn't seem to be into blogging like I am (Elaine), so I get to tell it how I see it. I should ask him, but he is asleep. The hardest part might have been the first day when they couldn't put the mid line (or whatever it's called) into one arm, so had to try on the other arm. I know that was the hardest part for me to handle. Or, maybe it was when he couldn't sleep one night, or when he was so tired the next evening from not sleeping the night before. Then again, maybe it was the end of the week when he seemed to be feeling the effects accumulate and was just feeling icky. Over all, it was a good week. Each treatment took only an hour or so - maybe an hour and a half by the time it was all said and done, except for the first one when they put the line in his arm, and Wednesday's treatment when we had to wait longer to get into the infusion room than it takes to get that infusion. He had no pain or major discomfort, no throwing up, no back pain or trembling, no exhaustion thru the week, and was generally well thru it all (I am comparing this treatment to the past treatments, which were not so pleasant at all). The wonderful thing is that the lymph nodes are already shrinking. So amazing! It's awesome to feel and see the improvement, even after the first treatment. I reached over and put my hand on his neck the first night and was sure that I felt a difference. I would never believe it if I didn't feel it myself. When I noticed it I wonder if I was making it up because I was wanting it for him so bad. But, then the next day it was even a little better. It wasn't major changes, probably no one else could tell, but it was noticeable changes for us, and we hope that it just keeps on happening that way. He is done for the week and will have three weeks off before starting up again. He will have lab work and a doctor visit before beginning his next round on January 12th. We will report again after that visit.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Much has happened this past week, and without time to post each separately. Sorry it is such a long post. (I can't just leave it out!)
Terry had a doctor visit Monday, a CAT scan Tuesday, and another doctor visit Wednesday. The report is that he starts a new chemo treatment Monday the 15th of Dec. This set of treatments is called fludarabine, will be given once a day for five days in a row, every 4 weeks, for about 6 rotations. They say that this should be easier on him than the last chemo he had, so we are anxious to find out if that is the case. Each treatment should take no more than an hour, where the last kind took him anywhere from 9 hours to about 5 hours each. We will have to drive every day for this kind, and that isn't too exciting if there is snow. These treatments can be done in Wenatchee or in Moses Lake, depending upon our request and their availability at the time. Moses Lake is more limited, with only 3 chairs, but Wenatchee has at least 18. Nothing new about the stem cell transplant, except that we plan to have a consultation set up for sometime this spring.
Elaine got her hair cut. Not too newsworthy, because the style didn't change too much, but it is quite a change since she got about 12 inches taken off. It still lays slightly over or at the shoulder, and used to be to her waist.
We left for Rexburg after school Thursday, spent the night in Ontario, and went the rest of the way Friday. Friday night we attended BYU-I graduation. It was very satisfying to have our children there among the graduates. Megan - Political Science, and Brandon - Construction Management/Architecture? Megan is done, Brandon will continue until Spring. The ceremony was beautiful, not in decor, but in Spirit. Such wonderful advice was given, I had to write it down. I'll share just a bit here, cause it's important for us all, and I want to remember it.
President Clark - 1. Do not let the world get into your heart, pay a full tithe and a generous fast offerings..., 2. Always accept and always magnify callings, and always volunteer (be the first to say "Here am I, send me!")...., 3. Keep the Spirit with you, don't drive it away.... You have a marvelous destiny.
President Uchtdorf - Don't be guided by your fears, be guided by the Lord. 1. Draw near unto Him. You need Him, He wants to help you..., 2. Continue learning, by study and by faith..., 3. Organize yourselves and prepare every needful thing. Establish a house of order.... Establish divine priorities. Never compromise your devotion to the Lord. Eliminate all unessential. You sow what you reap. Make your life an eternal success story. You have the potential to raise a righteous, eternal posterity. You can do this. GO FORWARD AND BE GOOD!
I really enjoyed the graduation and the goodness that we felt there.
Equally satisfying was the fact that we saw family. Of course, we saw Brandon and Megan. Gregory and Adena and their kids came too, so we enjoyed being with them for a short while before they move to Blythe, California the end of this month. We were able to meet more of Megan's family and see her parents again. And, we got to visit with Bryan and Sherri and their children for about an hour before heading home. Family is where it's at! Another thing they said at graduation was - don't focus on money, family is most important! We agree!
We left Rexburg Saturday afternoon because of the snow storms, but got out of the snow about a couple hours or so out of Idaho Falls. We had good roads then the rest of the day, and stopped at Mountain Home for the night. It snowed that night and we had snowy roads all the way to our home, taking us about and hour and a half longer than normal to get here, but we had no problems of our own, though we saw a few other vehicles with some issues. It was a great visit, and we are glad we were able to go, but we are happy to be in the comfort and warmth and safety of our own home.
Elaine's father has been released from the Stake Presidency in Longview, and is now called as the Stake Patriarch. This has brought with it a great feeling, one almost of rejoicing. It is so satisfying to know that our father / grandfather is worthy and willing to accept such a responsibility. We know that our Heavenly Father loves him and trusts him to fulfil this calling well. We too, know that he will. This call makes us want to be a bit better, and someone that he can be pleased to call his daughter, his son, his grandchild. We are certainly pleased to call him our father / grandfather. We do not want to tarnish his name. We love him. We hope to rise to the occasion, and we ask for forgiveness for our weaknesses and short comings.
Now, equally important is our mother / grandmother who is at his side and supporting him in this new responsibility, just as she has been for over 50 years now. Much will be required of her with this calling, and we know that she will be an angel at his side, still.
We are loving the Christmas greetings that have been sent our way. We are finding a few more family and friends with blogs and are enjoying checking in on them occasionally. Blogging is awesome! It is one of my favorite ways to send and receive greetings, even if it is somewhat limited in audience. I don't require much for an audience :) It's probably best to have only a few :) And, it only has to be viewed by those who want to view it. Our newsletter this year was quite simple and not so informative of what happened for the year, but we have been blogging for most of the year now and hope that others can keep updated thru that venue. We do enjoy sending Christmas greetings, and hope that our newsletter did or does accomplish that.
We were happy to attend Jake and Portia's ward last week for Conner's blessing. We are so excited for their family. We went to their house for lunch after church and found a pleasant surprise. As we were all introducing ourselves a familiar name was said, one that is not very common, so it tugged on Elaine's heart and reminded her of a good friend in school - all twelve or thirteen years of school. It was the same name, and surprise - even the same person - Dee Dee was there with her husband and couple children. What a welcome reunion it was. She is still a wonderful person (of course), and she has a great family. We hope that life continues to treat them well.
Terry had a doctor visit Monday, a CAT scan Tuesday, and another doctor visit Wednesday. The report is that he starts a new chemo treatment Monday the 15th of Dec. This set of treatments is called fludarabine, will be given once a day for five days in a row, every 4 weeks, for about 6 rotations. They say that this should be easier on him than the last chemo he had, so we are anxious to find out if that is the case. Each treatment should take no more than an hour, where the last kind took him anywhere from 9 hours to about 5 hours each. We will have to drive every day for this kind, and that isn't too exciting if there is snow. These treatments can be done in Wenatchee or in Moses Lake, depending upon our request and their availability at the time. Moses Lake is more limited, with only 3 chairs, but Wenatchee has at least 18. Nothing new about the stem cell transplant, except that we plan to have a consultation set up for sometime this spring.
Elaine got her hair cut. Not too newsworthy, because the style didn't change too much, but it is quite a change since she got about 12 inches taken off. It still lays slightly over or at the shoulder, and used to be to her waist.
We left for Rexburg after school Thursday, spent the night in Ontario, and went the rest of the way Friday. Friday night we attended BYU-I graduation. It was very satisfying to have our children there among the graduates. Megan - Political Science, and Brandon - Construction Management/Architecture? Megan is done, Brandon will continue until Spring. The ceremony was beautiful, not in decor, but in Spirit. Such wonderful advice was given, I had to write it down. I'll share just a bit here, cause it's important for us all, and I want to remember it.
President Clark - 1. Do not let the world get into your heart, pay a full tithe and a generous fast offerings..., 2. Always accept and always magnify callings, and always volunteer (be the first to say "Here am I, send me!")...., 3. Keep the Spirit with you, don't drive it away.... You have a marvelous destiny.
President Uchtdorf - Don't be guided by your fears, be guided by the Lord. 1. Draw near unto Him. You need Him, He wants to help you..., 2. Continue learning, by study and by faith..., 3. Organize yourselves and prepare every needful thing. Establish a house of order.... Establish divine priorities. Never compromise your devotion to the Lord. Eliminate all unessential. You sow what you reap. Make your life an eternal success story. You have the potential to raise a righteous, eternal posterity. You can do this. GO FORWARD AND BE GOOD!
I really enjoyed the graduation and the goodness that we felt there.
Equally satisfying was the fact that we saw family. Of course, we saw Brandon and Megan. Gregory and Adena and their kids came too, so we enjoyed being with them for a short while before they move to Blythe, California the end of this month. We were able to meet more of Megan's family and see her parents again. And, we got to visit with Bryan and Sherri and their children for about an hour before heading home. Family is where it's at! Another thing they said at graduation was - don't focus on money, family is most important! We agree!
We left Rexburg Saturday afternoon because of the snow storms, but got out of the snow about a couple hours or so out of Idaho Falls. We had good roads then the rest of the day, and stopped at Mountain Home for the night. It snowed that night and we had snowy roads all the way to our home, taking us about and hour and a half longer than normal to get here, but we had no problems of our own, though we saw a few other vehicles with some issues. It was a great visit, and we are glad we were able to go, but we are happy to be in the comfort and warmth and safety of our own home.
Elaine's father has been released from the Stake Presidency in Longview, and is now called as the Stake Patriarch. This has brought with it a great feeling, one almost of rejoicing. It is so satisfying to know that our father / grandfather is worthy and willing to accept such a responsibility. We know that our Heavenly Father loves him and trusts him to fulfil this calling well. We too, know that he will. This call makes us want to be a bit better, and someone that he can be pleased to call his daughter, his son, his grandchild. We are certainly pleased to call him our father / grandfather. We do not want to tarnish his name. We love him. We hope to rise to the occasion, and we ask for forgiveness for our weaknesses and short comings.
Now, equally important is our mother / grandmother who is at his side and supporting him in this new responsibility, just as she has been for over 50 years now. Much will be required of her with this calling, and we know that she will be an angel at his side, still.
We are loving the Christmas greetings that have been sent our way. We are finding a few more family and friends with blogs and are enjoying checking in on them occasionally. Blogging is awesome! It is one of my favorite ways to send and receive greetings, even if it is somewhat limited in audience. I don't require much for an audience :) It's probably best to have only a few :) And, it only has to be viewed by those who want to view it. Our newsletter this year was quite simple and not so informative of what happened for the year, but we have been blogging for most of the year now and hope that others can keep updated thru that venue. We do enjoy sending Christmas greetings, and hope that our newsletter did or does accomplish that.
We were happy to attend Jake and Portia's ward last week for Conner's blessing. We are so excited for their family. We went to their house for lunch after church and found a pleasant surprise. As we were all introducing ourselves a familiar name was said, one that is not very common, so it tugged on Elaine's heart and reminded her of a good friend in school - all twelve or thirteen years of school. It was the same name, and surprise - even the same person - Dee Dee was there with her husband and couple children. What a welcome reunion it was. She is still a wonderful person (of course), and she has a great family. We hope that life continues to treat them well.
Day To Day Life,
Medical Madness,
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Come What May, And Love It!
We love Elder Wirthlin's message from October General Conference, and will surely remember it for a very long time. We love his mother's advice and we want to remember it too - Come what may, and love it! We remember his previous message as he stood speaking as if nothing was wrong, but he was so shaky we thought he might tumble to the floor. We remember Elder Nelson came to his side and tenderly stood beside him to help steady him as he continued without hesitation. His voice was also shaky, and somewhat weak. It seemed that he had to almost force his words out because of his poor health, yet he spoke loud and clear as he testified of the truths he was sharing with us. He shared many other things with us that moment as we saw how he endured and how devoted he was to our Savior and His teachings. He was a man of faith. With his death comes a sadness for us, but also a joy knowing he is again with his beloved wife. I just finished reading a great Christmas memory of Elder Wirthlin, whom we will miss, and I want to share it here. Maybe you will enjoy it too.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I like what I read here and thought I'd share it with others, so I copied the link and pasted it here. It is titled "Managing Christmas instead of Christmas managing you". I've been creating lists for a long time now, but have had a hard time with my lists this fall, so this was a reminder to me of how much it really does help. It's more extensive than I might use, but it's worth reading.
I'd be curious to know how you liked it, or not:)
Have a Merry Christmas, and may that merriment begin now!
I'd be curious to know how you liked it, or not:)
Have a Merry Christmas, and may that merriment begin now!
Monday, December 1, 2008

We have been enjoying Christmas music for a couple weeks now and it brings such a great feeling with it. With all this wonderful feeling inside, I still feel somewhat like a scrooge this year. I'm not sure I want to do the Santa thing. Santa stands for something wonderful and good, but I don't look forward to all the time and effort that Santa requires. I really want my children to get in on the giving end of the holiday and not focus on the receiving end so much. I love the lights and decorations, but this year I even want to keep that simple.
As I think about it, I realize that most of the music I listen to isn't about Santa or reindeers, it's about Jesus, His birth, peace, believing, gathering with family and friends, and keeping those wonderful feelings all year round. No wonder I love it. That is where the true peace comes, no matter what goes on around us. We are back to those two things again - being thankful and Christ.
I want to let the hustle and bustle of the season go and enjoy the peaceful part of Christmas and find the joy that comes from celebrating this holiday for the real reason we have it. So, I'll keep listening to the music, and I'll keep doing all I can to center our lives around Christ and His goodness, and being thankful.
Maybe I'm not a scrooge after all. We will have Christmas at our house. There is room for Him here! We need to make room for Him every day, all year, so that joy will never cease.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Day To Day Life,
Family Gatherings,
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Hooked on Toys? No, Hooked on Heritage Makers Studio and Blogging!
Thomas and Dana's guest book was one of the most fun books I've created and I was so excited when it came and didn't have any major flaws. We got to see it briefly after the reception and saw that many signed it. I do hope it is a treasure for forever. You can view it at at the bottom of our blog. I've just published a couple other books for our grandkids. (Shhhhh! they are for Christmas.) I can hardly wait to see them. I'll have to take a peek before we give them away. My problem now is that I'm not sure what to do next :)
I do enjoy blogging, so maybe I'll keep it updated more since I don't have another project going on for a moment.
If you have a blog and are viewing our blog and we don't have you on our family or friends blog list then please leave us a comment and we'll add you to it. We'd love to keep in touch with your family too.
We hope you enjoy our family blog! Have a great day, everyday!
I do enjoy blogging, so maybe I'll keep it updated more since I don't have another project going on for a moment.
If you have a blog and are viewing our blog and we don't have you on our family or friends blog list then please leave us a comment and we'll add you to it. We'd love to keep in touch with your family too.
We hope you enjoy our family blog! Have a great day, everyday!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Last of Our House Project photos...
The last photo has been added in our slide show. It is a finished building project, but not a finished decorating project. It will most likely be an ongoing project and take awhile to finish the decorating. What you cannot see in the last photo is all of the things lined up against the north wall. There are frames and things waiting to be put in place. I've got to get a feel for what will look best, and what will work best for our family needs, and there are several other things on my To Do list that might take priority.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Just a Note!
Terry had a doctor visit today and we learned that he can wait a while for his next treatment. He wants to get his harvest complete, and the doctor agrees that it would be fine to wait. So, next appointment is December 8th and we'll update after that.
The Wedding!



Thomas and Dana are now in Virginia and beginning their busy, but wonderful life together.
We are home and trying to get things in order here. The last few months were a bit hectic and overwhelming, and left us with a lot to do. And, the farming is not yet done for the season, so we are up and going, but just a little slower ;)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
They're Here! Don't You Love Em!

I so love these announcements! Maybe it's because I sooooo love these two people. Maybe it's because I love what these announcements are announcing. Maybe it's because it's feeling more real. Maybe it's because I was the one on the other side of the camera for each of those photos ;). (just a little pride I'm going to have to overcome huh!) Well, I wish I loved them because I am totally ready for this event, but no way!!!!!, I have a week full of work and activities that will exhaust me and possibly even a few of my friends as they help me get through this week. And no doubt, Terry will be exhausted from his own work already and then still have to help get me through mine. We might both end up in the nut house when this is over. I'm not sorry I started a building project, I'm just sorry I started it so close to the wedding date. We will be working overtime, but the pay will be wonderful and worth every effort. (I'm considering the pay as this eternal temple wedding and "happily ever after" for these two.)
We do hope to see you at our open house! Or at the reception... actually, anytime, anywhere!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Band takes the day.
Saturday was the Columbia Basin Marching Band Festival here in Royal. This year there were 5 participating bands, one of them being Royal. Each presents a marching band show for the audience.
BrittanyJo is in the window here eating a snack in between her running errands for the judge.

This is our Royal City band during the first part of their show.

Connor plays the saxophone and is seen steppin' here with the band.
Chase is playing a duet here for one part of their show. He did a wonderful job.


This is our Royal City band during the first part of their show.

Connor plays the saxophone and is seen steppin' here with the band.

Anthony's busy life.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Anthony's school photos are here:
Thursday, October 9, 2008
This day is over! Yea!


BrittanyJo had a volleyball game - and they won! Here she is serving, and the ball went over the net and it even scored a point for her team. Good Job girls!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Elder Skyler Hebdon
Michael is enjoying college life.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday afternoon I felt the need to write something spiritual on the blog, but when I sat down to write I could only think of the title for this post. Not very profound huh!?!?!?!?
Well, I got up, feeling a bit silly for feeling such a strong desire to write something and then trying to do so, but with no idea of what to say.
Now it's Monday morning and I found this open box waiting to be filled. So, one last time I'll attempt to write.
It was Fast Sunday yesterday and I had many things on my mind and in my heart. I guess I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed at all that is going on in our family (immediate and extended), and in our community. I've worried about the need of parenting correctly and accomplishing all that is required so that our children are strong and immovable in the gospel, with high standards that they do not forget or forsake, courageous and valiant; young men like unto Moroni and Helaman and Alma, or like any of the 2000 stripling warriors, or like Nephi. I want them to learn to be dependable, responsible and .... I could write a page here, but I am sure you get the picture.
There are temptations all around us and I just want us all to be strong and recognize every temptation for what it is. I want my family to have individual testimonies of Jesus Christ and His Gospel, of a loving Heavenly Father who is always ready and willing to help and guide and comfort us.
My purpose of fasting was along this line Sunday and I worried that there were too many things I was fasting for instead of one single focus. No need to worry, it was a beautiful day. I felt the Spirit so strongly that I couldn't contain it. I know that Heavenly Father loves me. I know He loves you. He will always be there for us if we allow Him to be. We must have faith and we must trust Him. Forget the pixie dust! It sounds good, but it's only in fairy tales. Maybe it could represent hope. Don't give up hope! Do not despair!
Carry on! Carry on! Carry on!
Well, I got up, feeling a bit silly for feeling such a strong desire to write something and then trying to do so, but with no idea of what to say.
Now it's Monday morning and I found this open box waiting to be filled. So, one last time I'll attempt to write.
It was Fast Sunday yesterday and I had many things on my mind and in my heart. I guess I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed at all that is going on in our family (immediate and extended), and in our community. I've worried about the need of parenting correctly and accomplishing all that is required so that our children are strong and immovable in the gospel, with high standards that they do not forget or forsake, courageous and valiant; young men like unto Moroni and Helaman and Alma, or like any of the 2000 stripling warriors, or like Nephi. I want them to learn to be dependable, responsible and .... I could write a page here, but I am sure you get the picture.
There are temptations all around us and I just want us all to be strong and recognize every temptation for what it is. I want my family to have individual testimonies of Jesus Christ and His Gospel, of a loving Heavenly Father who is always ready and willing to help and guide and comfort us.
My purpose of fasting was along this line Sunday and I worried that there were too many things I was fasting for instead of one single focus. No need to worry, it was a beautiful day. I felt the Spirit so strongly that I couldn't contain it. I know that Heavenly Father loves me. I know He loves you. He will always be there for us if we allow Him to be. We must have faith and we must trust Him. Forget the pixie dust! It sounds good, but it's only in fairy tales. Maybe it could represent hope. Don't give up hope! Do not despair!
Carry on! Carry on! Carry on!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
9/22/08 Doctor Visit Report
We visited with Terry's doctor Monday and learned a bit more info. Terry has been progressively getting worse, but not at the speed he did earlier this year, so we are happy that this disease is taking it's time right now. The best prognosis we have at this point is that by the middle or end of November he will begin his next set of treatments. His next appointment is November 11, so we will know more then. This next treatment will be once a day for 5 days every 4 weeks for 6 months. Then it will be much like after each set of treatments he has had previously, in that we just wait it out until he progressively worsens again and when he gets bad enough they will do the stem cell transplant. Doctor thought maybe a year from now, so the timing is looking better than we had originally thought. It is good that Terry will be able to work through his spring planting next year, and hopefully into his harvest. We'll see. By then we will all be another year older and wiser too. :) We'll continue to keep you informed as we learn more.
The doctor's big concern was for Dennis - she said, "keep him healthy..., no mountain climbing or motorcycle riding for him..., no smoking or drinking :).... We are lucky to have him and we need him healthy!" She reminded us that not everyone is lucky enough to have a matching sibling, so we are feeling blessed. Again, Thank you! to all of our wonderful family!
Be assured that, for us, the harvest season will continue, the wedding plans will continue, the construction plans will continue, and the schooling, sports, church, and miscellaneous activities of the family will continue as planned for the next couple months.
The doctor's big concern was for Dennis - she said, "keep him healthy..., no mountain climbing or motorcycle riding for him..., no smoking or drinking :).... We are lucky to have him and we need him healthy!" She reminded us that not everyone is lucky enough to have a matching sibling, so we are feeling blessed. Again, Thank you! to all of our wonderful family!
Be assured that, for us, the harvest season will continue, the wedding plans will continue, the construction plans will continue, and the schooling, sports, church, and miscellaneous activities of the family will continue as planned for the next couple months.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
School photos (Anthony doesn't have his yet).
BrittanyJo - 7th grade...

Plays volley ball this year, got her ears pierced this fall, and a hair cut, has babysat a few times and makes good money doing it. Did I mention earlier this year that she is in Young Women's now? Our little girl is growing up.
Connor - A FRESHMAN!!!! ...

He is a high schooler, plays football, and the alto sax, still likes video games but has less time to spend on them. He too is growing up - 6 feet tall. He is often known to get right up and do as asked which is most pleasing to a parent -(not to say he is perfect at it, but he is well on his way).
Chase - a Junior...

Chase no longer plays football, but he does play the trumpet. One great recent accomplishment of his is that he just got his license - woo hoo! ya! He will be driving to seminary next week and he might just become the next chauffeur of the family.

Plays volley ball this year, got her ears pierced this fall, and a hair cut, has babysat a few times and makes good money doing it. Did I mention earlier this year that she is in Young Women's now? Our little girl is growing up.
Connor - A FRESHMAN!!!! ...

He is a high schooler, plays football, and the alto sax, still likes video games but has less time to spend on them. He too is growing up - 6 feet tall. He is often known to get right up and do as asked which is most pleasing to a parent -(not to say he is perfect at it, but he is well on his way).
Chase - a Junior...

Chase no longer plays football, but he does play the trumpet. One great recent accomplishment of his is that he just got his license - woo hoo! ya! He will be driving to seminary next week and he might just become the next chauffeur of the family.
Friday, September 19, 2008
We've had a busy week, but only one thing is highlighted today.
Terry is in the tractor lifting trusses to Thomas, Johnny, and Brandon R.
No one fell off the roof so we are happy for that - but it was pretty tricky for me and I was just watching ;), but they looked like they had done this before. It's really starting to shape up. We are racing with the calendar to get this done by October 31. Can we do it????? Yes we can!!! :) (That was for all of you "Bob the Builder" fans.) For additional photos on the building project see the right column of this blog for a slide show, showing step by step progress.

Thursday, September 4, 2008
I have begun this post in so many different ways, and I can't seem to say it the way I want to. If only you could feel what my heart feels right now!
Terry's need for a stem cell transplant sent us on a search through his siblings for someone who could be his donor. It had to be a perfect match to work.
Everyone of his siblings willingly agreed to be tested and we sensed that each wished to be that perfect match. Our children even volunteered to be tested, including the younger ones - volunteering with a feeling of love for their father that overpowered their feeling of fear and anxiety. Many friends even offered to be tested. We are surrounded by such good people.
The testing began! The first results we received were from Gregory. He had opportunity to be tested a couple years ago in California. They checked his records and found that he was not a match, but he was definitely "half" of each his father and mother. This was really fun to hear and see - it touched our hearts and brought great pleasure in a time of uncertainty.
Because of the cost of each test we began with just two at a time. We started with Terry's siblings living closest to us, keeping Sherri's paper work that was to be sent to her, but knowing that she would have already been tested had we not asked her to wait.
Troy and Shawna were the first two to be tested. We learned that neither of them were a match for Terry, but they were a match for each other. We hope that they never need to use this new-found info in the future, but it was exciting to learn.
Dennis and Ellen were the next to be tested. The phone call came two weeks later at 9:19am Thursday morning, September 4th, 2008. Dr. Julie Smith was the bearer of the good news. "We have a match, the search is over, and the others do not need to be tested." Her voice was filled with joy and that joy spilled over into my heart. (And my heart spilled over too! :)
Each sibling was so willing and even anxious to give and help and support their brother. Who the perfect match is does not matter as much as just the fact that we have a perfect match. We are so grateful to have such a wonderful family who lovingly cares and willingly shares, and we thank each of them equally.
The perfect match does belong to Dennis, which means he will also bear the greater burden in the future. We don't know when this will take place, and we know very little about what this even really means, but we will keep you posted when we learn more.
We are traveling through this new experience on a course that is laid out before us only moments before we take each step. We are learning and growing and we have faith that the final destination will be worth every rock, every stump, and every raging river we come upon. Sometimes we can even see bridges being built before us to help us on our way. With the Lord on our side, we cannot fail. And, He has sent us some pretty awesome help.
Terry's need for a stem cell transplant sent us on a search through his siblings for someone who could be his donor. It had to be a perfect match to work.
Everyone of his siblings willingly agreed to be tested and we sensed that each wished to be that perfect match. Our children even volunteered to be tested, including the younger ones - volunteering with a feeling of love for their father that overpowered their feeling of fear and anxiety. Many friends even offered to be tested. We are surrounded by such good people.
The testing began! The first results we received were from Gregory. He had opportunity to be tested a couple years ago in California. They checked his records and found that he was not a match, but he was definitely "half" of each his father and mother. This was really fun to hear and see - it touched our hearts and brought great pleasure in a time of uncertainty.
Because of the cost of each test we began with just two at a time. We started with Terry's siblings living closest to us, keeping Sherri's paper work that was to be sent to her, but knowing that she would have already been tested had we not asked her to wait.
Troy and Shawna were the first two to be tested. We learned that neither of them were a match for Terry, but they were a match for each other. We hope that they never need to use this new-found info in the future, but it was exciting to learn.
Dennis and Ellen were the next to be tested. The phone call came two weeks later at 9:19am Thursday morning, September 4th, 2008. Dr. Julie Smith was the bearer of the good news. "We have a match, the search is over, and the others do not need to be tested." Her voice was filled with joy and that joy spilled over into my heart. (And my heart spilled over too! :)
Each sibling was so willing and even anxious to give and help and support their brother. Who the perfect match is does not matter as much as just the fact that we have a perfect match. We are so grateful to have such a wonderful family who lovingly cares and willingly shares, and we thank each of them equally.
The perfect match does belong to Dennis, which means he will also bear the greater burden in the future. We don't know when this will take place, and we know very little about what this even really means, but we will keep you posted when we learn more.
We are traveling through this new experience on a course that is laid out before us only moments before we take each step. We are learning and growing and we have faith that the final destination will be worth every rock, every stump, and every raging river we come upon. Sometimes we can even see bridges being built before us to help us on our way. With the Lord on our side, we cannot fail. And, He has sent us some pretty awesome help.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Our Visit to Utah - Adena and Gregory's house. August 2008
Our Guests - August 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Playing catch up...
August 7th - We got a surprise visit from Gregory and Adena and family. It was a wonderful surprise.
August 9th - Brandon and Megan came to visit us. Our visit was short, but it was so wonderful to see them. They are both in Rexburg again getting ready for another semester of schooling.
Also, wheat harvest got done :)
August 16th - Dana went back to Utah to continue wedding plans and prepare for her college experience.
August 21st - We left to take Michael to Utah. Chase and Connor stayed home to participate in football practices. Unfortunately, Connor had to give a Sac talk while we were gone.
August 22nd - We arrived in Utah, had a surprise visit with Dana, had lunch with her family and BJo and Elaine attended a family bridal shower for her while the guys went to Gregory and Adena's for the night. The girls met up with them later that night, and stayed the weekend with them. They have a nice home in Sandy, and again, we enjoyed our visit.
August 25th - We drove, and drove, and drove... home.
August 27th - The kids started school today. Sorry no picture - I'll have to get it on their second day.
MICHAEL IS AT THE Y, living in Heritage Halls. Adena dropped him off Wednesday morning. He is trying to get acquainted with campus and all the particulars like obtaining his food card and books. It's a big campus, there are a lot of people, and it is overwhelming for a youth from Royal City, but he is sure to accomplish it all and we are confident that the Lord will help and comfort him - (I pray for him, and we include him in our family prayers, so, with the Lord on our side, we know he will succeed.)
August 9th - Brandon and Megan came to visit us. Our visit was short, but it was so wonderful to see them. They are both in Rexburg again getting ready for another semester of schooling.
Also, wheat harvest got done :)
August 16th - Dana went back to Utah to continue wedding plans and prepare for her college experience.
August 21st - We left to take Michael to Utah. Chase and Connor stayed home to participate in football practices. Unfortunately, Connor had to give a Sac talk while we were gone.
August 22nd - We arrived in Utah, had a surprise visit with Dana, had lunch with her family and BJo and Elaine attended a family bridal shower for her while the guys went to Gregory and Adena's for the night. The girls met up with them later that night, and stayed the weekend with them. They have a nice home in Sandy, and again, we enjoyed our visit.
August 25th - We drove, and drove, and drove... home.
August 27th - The kids started school today. Sorry no picture - I'll have to get it on their second day.
MICHAEL IS AT THE Y, living in Heritage Halls. Adena dropped him off Wednesday morning. He is trying to get acquainted with campus and all the particulars like obtaining his food card and books. It's a big campus, there are a lot of people, and it is overwhelming for a youth from Royal City, but he is sure to accomplish it all and we are confident that the Lord will help and comfort him - (I pray for him, and we include him in our family prayers, so, with the Lord on our side, we know he will succeed.)
Day To Day Life,
Family Gatherings,
Monday, August 18, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
You're Invited!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
BJo's first girls camp, July 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Moving on up!
Gregory and Adena have moved to Sandy, Utah. We are so happy to have them a little closer now. We will be able to see them a little more often, or at least with a little more ease and less travel time. Their blog shares more about this event - click on it at the right to view it.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
An engagement announcement!
Congratulations to Thomas and Dana. They are officially engaged, and the ring is awesome, but surely Thomas would agree that the gal wearing it is even better. 
Dana is the daughter of Wayne and Robyn Allred, a family we've known and loved for many years. They used to live here in Royal, but moved when Dana was about 3 years old - so she's changed just a little :).
She came to Royal a few weeks ago to work and earn some money for college and was living with her Aunt JoLyn and Uncle Rick Farrer, and Wiley, her cousin. Thomas was assigned by the bishop to be the designated driver or organizer of getting the young adults of our ward to the Moses Lake young adult ward meetings /activities. I guess it only took one trip together for Thomas to know that Dana was someone rather special, and she must have felt some similar feelings for Thomas, because this relationship took off like a wild fire. Wedding plans were being discussed before we even knew it.
A couple weeks ago, Dana headed home (Utah) for her brothers wedding. While she was there Thomas went to visit her and re-meet her family, and also to attend a mission reunion. It was while they were together that Sunday that their engagement became official. The date is set for November 5th, at the Columbia River Temple.

Dana is the daughter of Wayne and Robyn Allred, a family we've known and loved for many years. They used to live here in Royal, but moved when Dana was about 3 years old - so she's changed just a little :).
She came to Royal a few weeks ago to work and earn some money for college and was living with her Aunt JoLyn and Uncle Rick Farrer, and Wiley, her cousin. Thomas was assigned by the bishop to be the designated driver or organizer of getting the young adults of our ward to the Moses Lake young adult ward meetings /activities. I guess it only took one trip together for Thomas to know that Dana was someone rather special, and she must have felt some similar feelings for Thomas, because this relationship took off like a wild fire. Wedding plans were being discussed before we even knew it.
A couple weeks ago, Dana headed home (Utah) for her brothers wedding. While she was there Thomas went to visit her and re-meet her family, and also to attend a mission reunion. It was while they were together that Sunday that their engagement became official. The date is set for November 5th, at the Columbia River Temple.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Royal City Community Days 2008
Anthony is riding with the scouts. He is on the other side of the pickup so we see him from behind. He is turned to the side though. He is in a khaki shirt just behind the cab. You see him just above the letter C in Pack. (too bad we weren't on the other side for this parade.)

Chase is in this photo with the HS band. He is almost center photo, with his trumpet.

Connor is here walking with the middle school band. He too is about center photo and with his sax.

I wish I would have gotten a photo of our special weekend guest. We had a nice visit from Katelyn, our niece. She was somewhat intrigued by our parade. Royal doesn't have many floats in it's parade, but does have tractors, choppers, hay trucks, dancing horses, lots of candy thrown to the viewers, and even bouncy balls this year that were so fun to see tossed and bouncing. We also had an orchard fertilizer sprayer spraying water on the viewers - that was a clever entry. Another fun entry was the dairy association passing out cold chocolate milk to the viewers. It's definitely not a big parade, nor a big city parade, but it is our parade and we do support it.

Chase is in this photo with the HS band. He is almost center photo, with his trumpet.

Connor is here walking with the middle school band. He too is about center photo and with his sax.

I wish I would have gotten a photo of our special weekend guest. We had a nice visit from Katelyn, our niece. She was somewhat intrigued by our parade. Royal doesn't have many floats in it's parade, but does have tractors, choppers, hay trucks, dancing horses, lots of candy thrown to the viewers, and even bouncy balls this year that were so fun to see tossed and bouncing. We also had an orchard fertilizer sprayer spraying water on the viewers - that was a clever entry. Another fun entry was the dairy association passing out cold chocolate milk to the viewers. It's definitely not a big parade, nor a big city parade, but it is our parade and we do support it.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Happy 18th Birthday to Michael. June 7th
Michael had a birthday the day after graduation!
He enjoyed the cake after the candle was removed.
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