Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Clinic Visit Report

Results of the blood draw:
Reds remain at 30%
Neutrophils continue to rise - 2.27 today.
Whites continue to rise - 4.72 today.
Platelets are 117,000.

The results of last week's bone marrow aspiration:
The amount of cancer still in the blood/bone marrow is 2.5%, down from 2.7% on day 28.
Chimerisms tell us that - well, they do different markers with this testing, and one marker shows that Terry has 82% Dennis, up from 72% last time, and the second marker they tested this time was 100%, and they did not test that marker last time to compare it to. Anything over 50% is what they hope for, so it's looking really good.

The results of last week's scan show that Terry's lymph nodes have shrunk by 1/2. We can tell that they have shrunk and we are amazed. Things do look good, but we are still in a time when things can change so we continue to hope and pray for the good to continue.


Becky Noftle said...

The numbers look good right?? I have forgotten two days in a row to get Jackson's blood drawn, mother of the year is a no go for me this year.

Tyler said...

Just the new we've been praying for. We are so thankful for advancement of medicine and the wisdom of our Heavenly Father. Please be sure to tell the family hello from Idaho when they come to visit. We do love you all and hope everything continues to go as well as possible. Always, Sherri and family