Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy to be home!

Home again, home again, jiggity jig!
The doctors told us we could come home for a day or two while they wait for more test results and schedule other tests and clinic visits. Terry is being treated with medicines which are making things stable, so we were free to leave. YEA!
We had a good drive home - we may have arrived at about 6:45pm or?? We hope to stay for a couple days but know that there will be a return visit soon - they expect it will be this week, but don't know for sure.
Our summary conference previously scheduled for Wednesday is not going to take place. They want to make sure to have some answers for us before they let us go, and we agreed whole heartedly. (is that a word?)
It's so good to be home with our family and we are going to love sleeping in our own bed. I've got to think about what we are going to have for breakfast, so I'm going to say good-night! Wishing you a good one too!


Shawna Scorup said...

Home, no better place to be!Enjoyed my visit with Terry as I drove home last to all of you:)

Adena and Greg said...

So glad that you're able to be home again! Hopefully you'll be able to stay for a while. Tell everyone hello from us!

Ellen said...

Great news. Tell everyone hello and I hope and pray this will be a good week for all. Was so good to visit with Terry down by the shop as he explained how to repair the doors on the big corn truck and showed me how it had worn. I am thinking that your wondering about Thanksgiving, should happen since this latest news about mom. However, I don't want it to be a huge burden on you so I think you should just let us use your home and have every one else provide the food. Just let me know what I can do to help if you decide to do it. Love, Ellen

Tyler said...

I too am thankful for a vist with Terry by the shop the morning I left. I will treasure the hug and kind words forever. We pray the doctors will be wise and skilled in determining what needs to happen next. We send our love to each of the family and hope the rest of the week will be wonderful. We are hoping the rain has stopped too. Loves, Sherri and family ps Just talked to Skyler and he and Lisa will be with us Sunday for Conference and a meal together. Can't wait to see them