Thursday, July 7, 2011


This post is long over due, yet has been attempted many times.
This loss our family is going through right now has also left me at a loss for words.
My hope was to convey the feelings of my heart, but I'm sure I cannot even come close.
I do believe that some things are better left unsaid. But there are some things that do need said - I just don't know how to say them.
Terry, however, can put words together very poetically, and has done so on this occasion. So it is his words I chose to share with you who read this post, and it is dedicated to the one we love...

Keith Auger Hebdon
17 December 1921 - 5 July 2011

Blessed Parting

An expeditious passing
Can be a fortuitous thing,
It diminishes the pain and anguish
That protracted illnesses bring.

The finality of the death though
Certainly hits the heart.
But what concludes in one place
In another gets it’s start.

That’s what happened to grandpa
Or dad or however you call his name.
That’s what will happen to each of us
The process is the same.

So the theater of life goes on and on.
The players come and go.
From God back to God,
The Savior made it so.

There is one personal thought I wish to share - Though we wish for a loved one to not have to suffer and struggle for too long, we are grateful for the time that Keith spent in the hospital. This was a time of closure, allowing loved ones to draw closer to him and show a tenderness that was so needed in our hearts as one leaves this earth.

We are ever grateful to our Father in Heaven for the many blessings He has sent our way. Though there is sorrow, there is greater joy in the fact that Families Can Be Together Forever. We pray that ours will be so, and know that it can be as we strive to follow our Savior.

Services are Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Viewing 1:00 pm
Funeral 2:00 pm


Becky Noftle said...

We are thinking about your family constantly right now, wishing you all comfort, peace, and love.

Katie said...

So sorry for the loss of a great father and grandpa. Keith was always such a kind and friendly neighbor. My heart goes out to you all...know that you're in our thoughts and we're praying for a beautiful day tomorrow, one that celebrates his life and all that he changed/touched in this world. God bless your family!

Btflgal said...

I loved the poem, it hits very close to home. I am sorry for Keith's passing. He was so good to come and visit my mom when my dad passed. He looked so good and told a few jokes, that when I heard he passed away, I was very surprised.

Much Love,