Friday, December 28, 2012


Terry had his last chemo of the year 2012 ..., but that's really nothing to celebrate ..., he will have his first chemo of the year 2013 on the 3rd. 
Wanna know how it went?
Well, I'm just going to say that we did some waiting, but eventually got it all done.
Blood counts:
WBC = 3.3(L) same as one month ago, pre-treatment and July was 2.6(L)
Platelets = 41(L) last month was 54(L) and July was 35(L)
Lymphocytes = 59(H) last month was 72(H) and July was 45
Ab Neutrophils = 0.8(L) last month was 0.5(L) and July was 1.0(L)
So, you can see that nothing is really different enough to claim the chemo is doing anything, except they did mention that the Lymphocytes could be because of the chemo.  Okay, it could be, but it was 59(H) in May.  I hope to see greater change after all this, but I guess we take what we can get.
I should have posted this last night, or this morning, but I've been busy.  Well, sort of.  I've also been puzzling.  ;)  Completed the last puzzle of the year 2012 - a puzzle we got for Christmas from Terry's sister.


Have you ever seen a puzzle with an extra piece?  This one has one!  Two of the exact same piece.

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