Wednesday, August 21, 2013

More Medical News

We went to the doctor again - it was just a normal check up for Terry this time.  All is well.

WBC = 4.1(L) - normal is 4.5-11
RBC = 3.78(L) - normal is 4.5-5.9
Platelet Count = 43(L) - normal is 150-400
Ab Neutrophils = 0.9(L) - normal is 1.8-7.8

I don't recall having mentioned about the other counts in a while -
It is quite nice to see all the liver counts and a dozen other on the lower end of the chart in the normal range, and have been for several weeks now, with only an occasional (H) here and there.  I couldn't tell you what that means for sure, but it is nice to see some normal counts so often.  We will see how long that lasts.  :) 

Terry did get a Neupogen shot because of the low neutrophils, and the fact that he is taking the Revlimid, which lowers those counts. 
He has been taking the Revlimid for about 2 weeks now and will continue for another week, then stop for a week and start up again with a higher dose for another 21 days.
This is hopefully going to lower the CLL count and prepare him for transplant.

The lab work from the Hickman Line testing were in, and as expected, proved to be infected.  The name of that bacteria is Psedomonas Orysihatitans #2  (you understood that, right?)

There is some info at Everyday Health, and some at ABIS Encyclopedia, or you can google it and be more confused. ;)  

The good thing to know is that we believe it to be gone now, especially since the source (the Line) has been removed and antibiotics taken.

Now, for some much anticipated news -
SCCA called and we now have an arrival date.  It's coming up too fast - we only have a month -
SCCA arrival date is September 25th.

I'm not ready!  But, I have 4 weeks to get ready.  My TO-DO list is going to get longer, rather than shorter for awhile now.  I think I've been trying to not think about it too much, and even hoping that it would get moved back a bit, but no such luck.
With all the thoughts running through my mind, I can only imagine how concerned Terry is about leaving his sons again, during a busy harvest time ....

Oh how we will be relying on the Lord.  With His strength we can do all things!

(I have no picture for today, sorry!  I know that pictures speak a thousand words and touch the heart faster than a word might, but today I will use words to quickly describe the picture.
Picture this -
Me, at my computer, with Akleigh on my lap, both of us in our pjs and with sleepy hair, but the sun shining through the window glistens so beautifully on hers in front of me, and the house is quite for another few minutes. 
Yip!  It's been another couple days/nights of baling, and for the most part, it went well.  Lovin' the family time!

1 comment:

The Stanley's said...

Very beautiful picture...glad you have good news. We wish the best for you and your whole family!