Sunday, October 16, 2016

Missionary Update:

Anthony has had his first week in Argentina, at the MTC.

I received his email Thursday morning.  (Sorry it's taken me a few days to share.)  Thursdays will be his prep day while he is in the MTC.  Because of the time difference I will receive his email early in the morning, and will be emailing to him on Wednesdays to make sure he gets it before he sends to me.

He seems to be doing well.  I had a comforting feeling as I read his words and felt of his love for his family and for the Lord.

He is having some wonderful experiences that are helping his testimony grow.
On one occasion he was asked to write his testimony in Spanish.  He was not to memorize it, but write it in Spanish and then read it aloud.  This was a great opportunity for him - one he enjoyed and that made him more aware of what his testimony really is and how it affects him and others around him.

He loves the food :)
He loves the language :)
He loves everything about his experiences right now :)

I know the Lord is watching over him and will help him through every day of this mission.  I know Anthony will experience some trying moments along with the good, and I know that our Savior will be there with him, strengthening him through each and every moment.

And, as is true for all of us, Christ will carry us through the most difficult times in our lives, when we need Him most.  We just need to follow Him and allow Him to help us, even invite Him to help us.


So I'll share this (again) since it's been on my mind while writing this post. (skip the add)

I hope you have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Ellen said...

So good to hear he is safely at the MTC and doing well. Love you, Elaine.