Sunday, April 19, 2009

ROCKS by Terry

During spring break this year our family needed to pick up the rocks from the field that were left by the potato diggers. On the first day we worked until lunch time and then the wind (or our lack of fortitude) prevented us from working in the afternoon.
Tuesday morning was breezy as well. We went out, picked rocks for a few hours, and didn't return. Our eyes and ears and attitudes were full of sand.
Wednesday we went out again. We had a good start, then it blew lightly, snowed on us, and of course was quite cold. We did persevere long enough to finish the west side of the south circle by the house, then came in. We had some hot chocolate and mused about the foul weather. Some one joked "maybe we shouldn't be picking rocks".
Thursday was a great day! The weather was good and we did get to finish the job. I commented to the boys, "what a great day to pick rocks." Then heard myself, "what a great day to pick rocks" Wow! What?
When difficult things need to be done we can do them. We can do hard things. If we persevere we will conquer. If the Lord blesses us we can even have a great day to pick rocks.

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