Monday, February 15, 2010


I might be hooked on blogging - I've posted something 4 days in a row now, and here I go again. Today I'll share some "truisms" that Terry has made up and told the kids the last couple days:

After sitting in the car for several hours with them Saturday, he told them;
"Of all the things that pop into your head, only 5 percent of them should ever be said."

Then, after hearing them Sunday afternoon he decided to tell them this one;
"Of all the ideas that enter into your mind, we want you to act only on the very best kind."

We have enjoyed having the kids home this long weekend, and maybe it has helped us recognize how much we need to ever so faithfully continue to teach and train them, so that they have a better chance at becoming great adults.

1 comment:

Darin and Angie Smith said...

I love these, they are being printed and put on the calendar now!! Thanks for sharing.