Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 46

We are definitely on the lookout! Last night when we took Terry's temperature it was 99.4. We were on alert and not because it was really high, but because it was so high compared to what it usually is. He usually has a temp somewhere in the 96 and 97 area. We have even seen it in the high 95 area, but we have never seen it 98 or higher, so we were beginning to worry, especially since we took it again a little later and found it to be 99.6. Oh no! It was on the rise. What would happen thru the night? We are instructed to call in if it hits 100.

We were happy to find a normal temp this morning, at 97.9. Though it was still slightly higher than normal it was still good to see that 97 again.

It was raining when we got up today and we wondered if we might take the car to the clinic for blood draw. When it came time to go the rain had stopped, so we walked. It was not raining on our way back either. But, when we looked out a half hour later it was raining again. That's Seattle, we've found. On again, off again rain system.

It was a bit confusing at blood draw today. They took us right back since we were the only ones there at the time, and then into a private room, where we've never been before. We didn't think too much of it until the nurse put on a sterile gown and we saw the red alert sticker on his tray. So, we asked about it. They didn't know, it was just their instruction, and they wondered if it was a case of mistaken identity. No, not really, they just wondered if the sticker got stuck to the wrong paper. We still don't know why, but somehow they must have made a mistake, because we know of nothing that would necessitate that. New experience I guess.

We listened to some Conference messages, wrote to Michael, had a tiny nap, talked with Anthony on the phone, and had some surprise visitors.

Jack and Carla Hill were in town visiting family this weekend and stopped by to see us, dropping off a bucket of fun. Do you know how much our family loves Jack and Carla? Let me share. Jack was our home teacher for many many years. He was there in our home most every month and occasionally he would bring Carla as his companion. There are other occasions that have brought our families together, like visiting teaching and Jack has been our kids HS principal for many years, but the occasional home teaching together was a special treat. This would often be the case at Christmas time and we would have the decorations up. One time Carla saw all the snowmen and asked how many we had. We didn't know, but the kids began to count. Maybe there were 60, but not all individual, some were together with up to 5 or 6 snowmen as one piece, but counted as 5 or 6. Anyway, that has been a fun, almost annual event for us ever since. And, guess what? There were some of the cutest salt and pepper snowmen in our bucket. Thank you Jack and Carla, for the visit, the fun, and for "our history". You are awesome!


Anonymous said...

So how was the blood count? Do they have any idea what caused the fever? I guess I ask too many questions, but I am curious. Glad his temp was more near normal this morning and continue to pray that all will be well with renewed energy and higher blood count. Love you both, and again, it was so great to get to be with you so much this past week. Take good care. Love, Ellen

Ellen said...

I guess I touched the wrong thing because I didn't mean for this to post as anonymous.

Becky Noftle said...

So glad you got to come home.
I hate fevers, is it a virus, is it the porta cath, is it bacterial,uggg. I'm glad the fever is gone and you had a fun visit.

Tyler said...

So glad the fever is going down. So glad the rain stopped when you needed it to. It rained most of the day here, but we were about to get our front lawn mowed and the neighbors too. They had been gone on vacation and it needed it badly. We pray the red blood count is continuing to improve. We send our love and best birthday wishes to Elder Hebdon. We are thankful you were able to go to the graduation and have many kodak moments there. We love this blogspot that allows us to stay in touch and know how you are both doing. Sending our love your way and hope you feel it every day. Always, Sherri and family