Monday, November 15, 2010

Medical Report

Terry's visit today was good. Terry is feeling better than he has done in the last few weeks so that is good too. We hope it lasts.
Sometimes it's hard to say that the blood reports are good when the counts are low, but those low counts are not critical, so that is good news. Actually, his neutrophils are up and normal today. Today I'll put the normals in parenthesis behind his counts so you can compare.
WBC = 3.2 (4.5-11.0)
RBC = 2.97 (4.50-5.90)
Neutrophils = 2.2 (1.8-7.8) awesome huh!
Platelets = 77 (150-400)

We'll just keep on keepin' on! We hope you and yours are happy and healthy today too!

PS. Can I just say this - I have great visiting teachers! They were just here visiting me, and I love them!


Tyler said...

Those are great numbers in comparison to some we have seen. Keep up the great work and soon he will be good as new. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I also wanted to let you know that we were going to be grandparents, but Cortney had a miscarriage on Sunday. Please keep them in your prayers too. Thanks, we love you all and are so thankful Elder Hebdon is not hurt worse than he was.

Ellen said...

Great news and I too am thankful that Elder Hebdon is ok. Looking forward to next week.