Monday, November 22, 2010

Today's Doctor Visit

I am almost surprised that it has been a week since our last appointment. A lot has transpired but I haven't blogged about any of it. I'll not try to play catch up today because it'll take too long. We'll just go right into today's doctor visit info:

WBC = 1.4 (Critical)
RBC = 2.75 (Low)
Neutrophils = 0.3 (Critical) [I should probably clarify that these Neutrophil reports are always the Absolute Neutrophils]
Platelets = 71 (Low)

Today's critical counts led to the decision to give Terry a Neulasta shot. They say it will start to help by tomorrow and it continues to help for awhile, so Thanksgiving guests shouldn't worry. They should wash their hands, but no need to stay away. That was good to learn, cause we are soooo looking forward to the 70 count guests for dinner. Everyone is helping with the meal so it's all good!

More good news is that the counts that tell us the condition of the liver are not as high as they have been, and we hope they continue downward.

Terry had to get an IV med today because of a burn he got on his finger while working this weekend. It sure looks wicked. He is also on an oral antibiotic (4 times a day) for the same thing. (I think these are the first bright red capsules I've ever seen.) They washed the burn and put a topical antibiotic on it and bandaged it up again. They want him back in tomorrow to check it. These types of things really are concerning for transplant patients. It's always high alert. I don't say that because I think they are over really is a wicked injury...I'm happy to have them watching it.

1 comment:

Louise said...

Wow, 70 guests! Hope the Neulasta kicks in quick so you can all enjoy the day. We have so much to be thankful for, don't we?