Monday, January 24, 2011

Medical Maddness of a Different Sort.

During the basketball game Saturday night BrittanyJo was knocked to the floor with another player falling on her, which ended in a concussion. She didn't get to play the rest of JV or any of Varsity that night. We took her to the doctor yesterday because of the concern and discomfort/pain she was having and confirmed that things are okay, but she cannot participate in any sport for the week. When we see the symptoms going away we can take her back in to the doctor and he will release her to play again. For now she is to rest her brain and her body. This is a tricky thing. Often when we rest we like to watch TV or be on the computer. She is already failing at the computer thing. :) She is not to do much reading or activity that uses her eyes too much. She really wanted to knit, but that is a no-no for a few days too. She looked through our old annuals with us last night - it's so hard to rest the brain and the eyes. She is going to have a tricky week - I'm sure she'd rather be playing ball. Doctor says that sleeping is good at this point, but I'm sure she will get tired of that really soon too. She's going to wish we hadn't gone to the doctor. :)


Ellen said...

I am so sorry to hear of BrittanyJo's injury and hope she recovers quickly and with no lasting affects. Love to all, Ellen

Becky Noftle said...

I'll take Brittany Jo's concussion, brain and eye rest sound AWESOME to me! Seriously though, tell her to take it easy and feel better pronto.