Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rituxan Two

Today Terry got twice as much Rituxan as he did Tuesday, and things still went well. He isn't feeling bad, but he's not feeling really great either. I suppose he is just doing good. :) We are so pleased that the infusion went well this second day. He gets a much higher dose Tuesday so we are anxious to see if it is still okay. We are betting that it will be.

Also reporting:
BrittanyJo wanted to play in the basketball game tomorrow so she went to see the doctor today. He did not give her a release, but said to wait another week and come back to see him then. She is feeling much better but still needs to be careful.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Hoping and praying that it continues to be ok for Terry and that the corn can be harvested and that BJo will be able to "Come What May and Love It" while she recoups. Love to all. Ellen