Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Today's clinic visit:

White blood = 3.46
Neutrophils = 1.9
Hematocrit = 31 %
Platelets = 112 thousand

Many numbers are down from last week, but they don't seem to be too concerned. In fact, today they volunteered that we are at the end of our stay and will be getting our work up and visits in preparation to leave. This will start with the bone marrow aspiration next week and continue with a busy schedule full of visits and testing for the next two weeks to help them learn what they need to know and help them decide when we can leave.
We do know that he will have lab work and meet with the oncologist/Dr. Smith weekly for the first month and it will be up to her to decide how often she meets with him after that. We've been told to make our appointment with her for the first week of August.


1 comment:

Ellen said...

I am so glad to hear there is talk of going home. I am sure that most things happening from here on out will tend to have a bitter-sweet feeling. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help at any time. I am grateful that there seems to be no alarm that the numbers are a little below the last ones. Have a good day. Your fruit looks beautiful and I wouldn't have wanted to can while the kids were there either. The cake does look delicious as well as beautiful. Good job, Adena. Love, Ellen