Monday, November 8, 2010

Today's Doctor Visit

We are very pleased with Terry's white blood count - 5.1 - we haven't seen this number for a few months so we are happy.
The RBC is still low, at 3.08 and platelets are low, at 82; but that is higher than last week. The Chemistry numbers look pretty good too, though he could use some more protein. :) The liver enzymes are high, which seems to be a new normal for him. We hope to see changes in that in the future.
Terry has felt a bit icky lately, but we are blaming that on the flu. We can't be sure if he had the flu or GVHD, so he is still being treated for GVHD. It's best that way.
Overall, we feel good about our visit and results and continue to look forward to better days ahead.

Corn harvest began for us today. It's the last crop of the year. Thanksgiving is always better when the harvest is complete, so we're hoping for good weather and great days ahead.

LUCKY US! We will have some great days ahead no matter the weather. The kids have early release this week so our family time is increasing for a few days. We look forward to it!!!!!! Too bad it's not always this way.

We hope you have a great week this week too!


Louise said...

Congratulations on the good reports, what a great way to start the week!

Ellen said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING Corn harvest on the way and a good report from the Drs. Good job good job. G double o d job good job good job.