Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Weekly Doctor Visit

Terry saw Dr. Smith and things are somewhat remaining the same.

White blood count (WBC) is quite low at 0.6(LL) but that is somewhat expected at this point after Vidaza infusions, and they think it will be better next week.

Cyclosporine levels are where they expect, but we are beginning to taper that drug, hopefully to allow some graft verses disease.  He was taking 175mg twice a day and is going down to 150mg twice a day.  This should help him shake a little less, but he is still taking enough that he will remain shaky.  Any reduction of this medication is always a good thing even if it is only one small pill less.  It's an icky one!

We will continue the hydration at 1 liter per day because of the creatinine levels.  Drinking liquids kinda irritates him and makes him feel more nauseated, so he doesn't drink enough to flush the kidneys like they need with all this medication.

all is well!  ;)  except for what isn't  ;)

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