Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hospital Care

I left to see Terry after the kids left for seminary this morning and by the time I got there he had finished his breakfast and had a chest x-ray.   He is still weak and tired but no longer having the trembling chills.  He does get cold and needs an extra blanket but does not chill to the extreme like before. 

He showered this morning and put on clean pjs, had lunch, and we took a walk around the hallway, then he got back in bed.  He was feeling sleepy by about 2:00pm when I had to leave so I hope he got some good rest before they bugged him again.  There are always so many interruptions during the day in a hospital, making it hard to believe that one can get better rest while there, rather than at home. 

The doctor came in while I was there this morning and his biggest concern seemed to be Terry's sinuses - they are still bad, and we have known that, but nothing seems to help.  This doctor wanted to talk to Dr. Smith and get a stronger antibiotic for him.  I don't know if that has happened yet, or if for some reason it cannot happen, but I'll be anxious to find out tomorrow.  I have been gone with the kids all afternoon and evening so I haven't been able to talk with Terry and don't want to call now in case he is sleeping.

I hate not being there with him all day, but we decided that I should come be with the kids and take care of the responsibilities here since this week is so over scheduled anyway.   And remember, it is not a life or death situation, so I'm not worried that something critical will happen while I'm away.  I just miss him.  We haven't been apart this many hours in a day for a very long time.  Crazy huh!  I don't like it!

We don't know when he will be able to come home, but I'm pretty sure it's not tomorrow.  Dr. Tucker mentioned 4 or 5 days.   Things better speed up around there if that remains true.   

As we were talking this morning he remembered a special moment years ago after being diagnosed with this disease when the Lord told him - "I know you, I love you, and you will be alright!"

image found here

:)  good night!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Divide and conquer! Terry getting better in hospital, while you keep the homefront running until he returns. Friendly thoughts and frequent prayers for you from here.