Saturday, February 25, 2012

Chemo Report

Well, some (or most) of you didn't get the memo - cause I didn't leave one - but Terry didn't go for his chemo treatment on Thursday because they didn't get the drug in time. We had to go Friday. Sorry for the wait!

We got started with a small, first dose of Ofatumumab. (What a word huh?) They began the IV at about 8:30am, Friday morning, with some Ibuprofen (well the Ibuprofen was oral), Benedryl, and Solumedrol (or Solu Medrol) to help with any possible reactions. After a several minutes they start the Ofatumumab at a slow infusion rate and speed it up as they learn if his body tolerates it well. It was started at 50, then to 100, then up to 200 - the max for the day. He was doing very well, feeling fine, until he started feeling itchy. Oh, the hives were coming on - about 11:30 maybe. They stopped the Ofatumamab and gave him more Benedryl, waited a half hour and start it again, gradually getting up to 200 again.

And again, things went well until about 2:30 when the itchy hives returned. Again the "Ofa" was stopped, more Benedryl and this time more Solumedrol was given, and we waited a half hour and started again. This time it was gradually increased to the rate of 175 instead of 200, and he did great. He was done at about 5:10pm.

Maybe you've thought of this already, but three doses of Benedryl kept him pretty sleepy all day. I can't call them good naps, but he did get a few naps in.

Now, they split the dose into 3 bags because they don't know if a patient will be able to get the full dosage, especially on their first day. Terry got 2 of the 3 bags planned for him and they still called it a success.

Here's the clincher - the first day is only half of what they give the following days. So, he got 2/3 of what he was supposed to get for Friday, but only 1/3 of what he will get the next time (and each time after that for a total of 8 infusions - one a week). Usually the second dose is easier on the body, (that is "normal" for everyone, and with most every chemo drug). There is still a possibility that the second dose will not get fully administered, but we will just have to wait and see. We will be going in on Thursday, and if he doesn't get it all, we will go back in for the remaining dose on Friday.

About Ofatumumab
It's a newer drug. The Wenatchee Valley Clinic has only administered it to one other patient (who took his second dose in the hospital so he could have time enough to get the full dose in one sitting). One of the nurses has a cousin who got this drug and the reports of his health are favorable. We look forward to something favorable too! That's really all we know though.

So far Terry is feeling fine ..., but you already knew that didn't you!
However, I can see that his face is flushed this morning and he does say that his head is feeling ... I don't know what word he used, but I assumed it was a fullness and strange feeling - hard to concentrate. After so much Benedryl (which he got another large dose of when we got home) I can't think it would be anything else - and with the other meds and chemicals there's no doubt it's not pleasant.

Oh - Terry's blood work!
WBC = 2.2(L) (but that is the exact count for the last three appointments)
RBC = 3.93(L) (which is up ever-so-slightly from the last two appointments)
Platelets = 41(L) (I guess we'll take it - that's right around the counts he's had)
Neutrophils = .9(L) (It has gone down .1 each week)
Calcium is good! Protein is good! (Just sayin!)
The liver counts (ALT and AST) are the lowest counts in the last three weeks too, so we are pleased with that.

1 comment:

Becky Noftle said...

O.K. first one down---good to have it behind you, I think. Hang in there, both of you. Prayers always.