Monday, December 22, 2014

Terry Wayne Hebdon

We had a beautiful day dedicated to celebrating the life of Terry Wayne Hebdon and by the end of the day I was so overcome with gratitude for the many tender mercies that came our way and my heart was full of love for all who participated in any way to help make that day a special day for Terry and for his loved ones.  It truly was a special day, and many people helped it become something that we will remember and cherish forever. 


On the day of his funeral the heavens rained down as if in sorrow missing this wonderful man just like we do.  But then when we needed to be outside at the cemetery the heavens were stilled and we were able to dedicate the grave in peace and reverence for Terry and all who loved him ..., and then it poured down again for the rest of the day.  I have sent a THANK YOU upward to heaven for that moment in time that helped me feel God's love.  I have felt His love in many ways, even in such a sorrowful time.

God took from me (for a time) my most precious possession, but I will do my best to be worthy of reuniting with my love for eternity (because we were married for time and sealed for eternity on 12 February 1980).  These blessings are real and eternal and they make life worth living.   I've never known such deep sadness and sorrow, but I know that when we meet again there will be even greater joy and gladness, so exquisite that I cannot comprehend, and I anxiously await that moment.  Until then I will strive with all my heart to live a good life and continue to raise a good family and to love and serve those around me, and to follow Christ and His teachings.  It is tender mercies and small miracles that will help me through each day.  I need to feel my Saviors love in all the world around me, so I must live worthy of it. 

There is much that I must learn and do now, and I'm sure I will meet failure and sorrow time and again but with the Lords help I can do all things.  He has been there for me in the past and is with me in the present and will be with me in the future.  And as a wise man has told me many times,  "It will turn out better than I think!"

There are so many (including thousands I have never met and know nothing about) who have helped Terry become the man he was and I am so grateful for each one that has touched his life in some way, however large or small that was.


At a funeral we always hear about the good things and it makes us think that person is perfect and then we might wonder why we are not.  Terry was a good man, not perfect, but very good even with his failures and shortcomings - he had many qualities and characteristics that blessed our lives and made us happy.  We will miss him - everything about him. 

Our days have been overflowing in kindness shown by family and friends and we are grateful for each one that has shared their love and their hope and their prayers and their time and effort to help us through our last couple weeks ..., even months and years. 


We love you for ALL you have done!  

1 comment:

Ellen said...

My dear sister,
My heart feels so full, tender and grateful for so many reasons, one of which is the love and appreciate I have for you! I will keep you in my prayers daily, as I know not how else to help. Thank you for the sweet visit yesterday as I was headed back home. Tell everyone hello and may our Father continue to bless everyone. Love, Ellen