Monday, May 4, 2009


I remember that my mother was always doing something for someone else. While I was a youth she was a Primary President and a Relief Society President, both callings gave her great responsibility and required much time and sacrifice on her behalf. Though I remember her feeling some frustration a time or two, I mostly remember her commitment to these callings and the people she served. She was always going the extra mile and making sure that her service in the Lord's church was what He would have her do. She has blessed the lives of so many through her loving, selfless, compassionate and cheerful service. She seemed to enjoy it all. Moving to new wards has made it so she has had those callings more than once, and she has always remained dedicated and stalwart. She has always been dependable - when my mom does something, it's not just done, it's well done. Surely the Lord can say to her "well done, thou good and faithful servant".

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