Monday, October 7, 2013

Happy to be home for awhile ...

We brought some masks home for the kids, thinking they might like to wear one like Grandpa.
Akleigh was anxious to wear one right away,  

but Auger needed a little more encouragement.
He did eventually put it on and had a fun time with it.
You might notice BrittanyJo and Anthony in the background - they are having so much fun with the new laptop we brought home.  We got one so that we could have one in our room.  I still have to occasionally go use the computer in the library because the lap top doesn't always fit my needs.  (I'm like that sometimes!)
We brought a mask for Elsie too, but she was not in favor of it, cute as it was on her.
She immediately pulled it off.
We enjoyed the weekend together listening to conference.
We found a fuzzy caterpillar too.

1 comment:

Shawna Scorup said...

love the pictures:) and you all.