Friday, February 28, 2014


I have been MIA for a couple days and apologize.  I was sick and it didn't even cross my mind to post on Wednesday.  When I realized I hadn't written on Thursday I got right up and tried to write something.  I didn't know what to say so I closed it up and went to bed.

Today I should say something ...,

Terry is about the same as he has been for a while now, and what that is ..., we don't honestly know!  ;)

We had a blood draw and LTFU (Long Term Follow Up) appointment today, and a short visit with the doctor as she explained what would be coming up for us in the near future.

We know just a little bit right now -
The DLI option is no longer an option - the "blasts have to be less than 5 and they are not", so it has to wait.
The current plan is to have another round of Vidaza and possibly have a change in medication to bring on a bit more GVHD ...,  well, the hope is not really to bring on GVHD as much as to bring on graft verses malignancy (rather than host)

The LTFU doc we saw today will try to determine what will be best based on what he learned at todays appointment and then get with the doctors to create the next best step.

The plan is that we will learn more Tuesday. 

We are at the apartment hydrating and waiting for supplies. If they come early we will head home for the weekend, and if they are late, we will wait until tomorrow.  So ..., I'm not sure when I'll post next.  It'll be a surprise I guess!

Have a nice weekend!
We send our love!

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