Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Weekend Ended

The first thing I'll share is about how Terry is --- he is feeling more nauseated the last few days and has less energy.  The sinuses are still not clearing up, however we are hoping that the BK virus is slightly improving and hope that it continues in that direction.  I wish we had some good health news, but we just don't.  However, we do have some good news ..., you'll learn about it if you continue reading.

We had a Vidaza infusion Saturday and then we left for Royal City, (with a detour to Costco on the way).  We arrived home  (HOME ... HAPPY DAY!)  sometime after 4:00pm and carried our boxes in.  I can't believe how much we acquired over the few/several months here, which included Christmas.  It was stuff we aren't using now and didn't really wanna move it to the new apartment. 

We then headed in to the last basketball game BJo had for the season, which was Sr. Night (where they recognize the seniors and their parents).   We talked to the doctors and they agreed to let us go, even suggesting to re-schedule our infusion today (moving it from 10:00 to 3:30).

It snowed while we were in watching the game Saturday night and the roads were not fun traveling from town to home, but we all made it safely.  We woke up to these drifts out our front door, and cancelled church meetings. 

We had planned to go to Sacrament meeting but instead we had the kids over for brunch.  I was enjoying the company too much to remember to take more pics, so this is what we get!  :)  Pictures or not, we enjoyed the visit.

Good thing we left a few minutes earlier than we planned, cause the traveling was slower goin' for awhile.  Several miles before and up Snoqualmie Pass were 45 mph, and coming down was 20 mph, but there were no accidents and we had no problems.  We drove straight to the clinic, arriving about 10 or 15 minutes late for the appointment, but it wasn't a problem. 

It was so nice to be on our home turf and with family, even though it was short (less than 24 hours).  We are anxious for the day when we can be home for good.  I didn't post anything about going home earlier because I didn't want to say something and then have it change.  Anthony and BJo had been sick (throwing up and icky) and we weren't sure if we should go.  Well, I was hesitant, but Terry was determined to be there for BJo's Sr. Night.  If BJo was too sick to go to the game then we would probably have stayed here, but she was determined to go too, so that was all we needed to know.

So if either of us get sick it's our own fault.

Oh, they got a bit of snow here in Seattle too.  There is not much, but we can see it here and there.


Bonnie said...

Aw, it must have been rapturous to be home again, even for just a few hours! So glad the weather, or anything else, didn't conspire to keep you from going.

The Stanley's said...

We love your family! We really are praying for you! What a great opportunity this weekend! Take care and keep your chins up!