Saturday, January 17, 2015

FYI - Funeral Additions

We had been hoping to get a family photo with all of us together and we just couldn't make it happen in time for Terry to be with us, but here we are on the day of his funeral, and I was happy to have all of our children and grandchildren together there.  Surely one can look at any of our sons and find their dad in them somewhere.  In many ways Terry lives on, but we still miss him.
I am so grateful for eternal life and the plan of happiness.  
I want it!  I need it!  I'm looking forward to it!
I am so grateful for the Savior and our Heavenly Father and for the many blessings They send my way.  They sustain me throughout the days and nights.  They make things alright.

I love our eternal family! 

Michael's poem was added to the blog here

The life sketch Thomas gave was added here

1 comment:

Louise said...

You have a beautiful family Elaine!