Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Hydration and infusion of Foscarnet took place this morning without any problem.  However,  this new medication causes tingling in the mouth/lips, and Terry did feel that, but it begins to go away after infusion is complete.

We talked with the nurse on the phone today but had no other appointments.

Other than that, we had more of the same with resting, walking, watching TV, scrapbooking, etc.  We are playing the waiting game ..., still.

1 comment:

Tyler said...

The word still made my soul stop and ponder this morning. I kept hearing Be Still and Know that I am God. My not so patient self wants Terry to be all better now. I will try harder to be still and have faith that He knows what is best for my dear brother. For He loves Terry even more than I have the capacity to love. May your day be a joy