Wednesday, January 15, 2014


We got the last Vidaza infusion today. That will make things easier.
We infused the last Meropenem today.  That will be a lot easier.
We still infuse Ganciclovir (at home) and hydration (also at home) each day and meds are given at the same times as before, so we are familiar with that schedule, but still trying to tweak it a bit to make it more convenient for meal times.  It's a bit trick when some are with food and others are empty stomach, and some are not to be taken with each other, and some have to be taken at certain times of the day.  Trying to work around all of those should be easy, but they don't fit so nicely together as one might think.

Terry had a CT scan today to check the lymph nodes in the chest and neck, and to check the sinuses.  This wasn't a hard scan, but the drink he has to take throughout the hour before the scan upsets his stomach a bit and he feels kinda icky.  We came home to rest a bit and began a new puzzle I had ordered a couple weeks ago (and it finally came).

We just finished this awesome puzzle early this morning.  It was a tricky puzzle, especially because of the odd shapes of the pieces.  The edges were not easy and more than half the puzzle was done before we found the last couple pieces to the edge.  The pieces were glossy and pretty making it an enjoyable puzzle.


Bonnie said...

Will be away for awhile, but will still be keeping both of you in my prayers. Love from Boise.

Ellen said...

Love the puzzle and both of you. Continued prayers from the deep woods!

Shawna Scorup said...

You two have extreme patience with life and puzzles.Sure love you.

Tyler said...

I only sent the puzzle on Saturday. I was so surprised this morning when I checked your blog and it was already there and completed!!! Man you two are amazing. I'll look for a tougher one next time :) love and hugs coming your way. Be sure to catch them and hold on tight with both arms.

Gregory said...

If I remember right the 4020 was one of John Deere's best sold tractors they made.