Our weekend is over and we are heading back to Seattle. It was good to be home to enjoy some of the normal day to day life without medical issues. Oh wait, we still had those, and that's kinda normal too, but just being home was great! After a week with a sore throat, and it getting worse daily, I (Elaine) went into the clinic Monday to find that I have a sinus infection. I knew I needed to get in to the doctor so that I could start taking meds to clear it up if is was necessary, but I thought it would be more of a throat issue than a sinus issue. Crazy huh! Anyway, I'm on the meds ..., on the mend. It seems that we must have all caught this bug, because most everyone of us has a sore throat or other problem. I suppose we will trickle into the doctor and get it all taken care of. Maybe by next week we will all be healthy again. HOPE! PRAY!
Lastly, one of the normal happenings was that we heard and saw these planes going over the house. This has been a normal occurrence for ..., well, ever since we've lived here, over 20 years now. However, this is the first time we have seen 7 at one time. Usually there are 2 or 3, and maybe we've seen 4 or 5 a time or two, but never this many, so it was kinda cool. Sometimes they are so low it feels like you could reach up and touch them. I always enjoy seeing them.
How cute for the family to do a trick-or-treat repeat for you over the weekend. A few days and nights at home is probably as good as a few hours in the infusion room for one's overall health!☺
Looks like an enjoyable time at home, and in all the years i have lived there, I have never seen that many planes all at once either. Very awesome!
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